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Need to be quilting but new puppy blues.

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Here's a funny story about puppies chewing.  When we got our little Pepper we had just purchased a new coffee table.  An expensive wood one.  We were watching TV one night and heard this little crunching sound...looked down and she was teething on the corner of that table.  OH NO!!!!  I moved her away and gave her a chew toy and in no time we heard crunching noises again...yup...she preferred the new table.  I tried and tried to discourage her, but she had decided she liked chewing on the table.  In desperation I thought about what I could do to make her not like the taste of it without harming her.  I found a jar of Jalapeno peppers (sort of mild ones) in the refrigerator.  I rubbed some of that juice all over the leg.  As soon as she thought I wasn't looking she went over to it, laid down and commenced to chewing...for about 10 seconds.  She stopped and backed away from it and attempted it a couple more times then never went back to it.  She also NEVER chewed on anything else either.  She wasn't harmed...she never cried or rubbed at her mouth or anything.  It wasn't HOT juice...just mild and something she didn't like.  Worked like a charm though.

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