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I met Beth!

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Yay, we did it. We finally got together. It wasn't even that hard going over the Ross Isl. Bridge and finding H2H Quilts. And that sandwich was GREAT. Thanks, Beth! Can't wait till next time. April 29th looks good, so I should be at the next ya'll come.

Thanks for being so kind about my first machine quilting project, Beth. And I have decided to budget time for going to see my friend, the Megaquilter at Quilts NW once a week (I hope).

Everybody should meet Beth. :) What a special person.

Oh Beth! Please thank your friend for me. I forgot to stop and thank her personally. I very much appreciated her letting you take time with me in her shop. I will definitely purchase some fabric there next time. I'll have to budget for that too! LOL!

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