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Quilting Class

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Has anyone of you heard of Julie Lambert? She is giving some classes around here and was wondering if anyone has taken her class. Im just getting started in the feathers and designs of quilting and this sounded like a great class. Hey ya have to start somewhere and I know all you guys did. Im working my way up to all the longarms I here about on here. Sounds like something I would love to do, but ya got to take the first baby steps....time to get started on the venture of quilting for me. I have been a garment sewing for many many years. I just started the quilting seen about 1 year ago and just loving it. I guess it could be 2 already Ive done alot of wall hangings table runners, and only 3 quilts. I need to learn more quilting designs and she seems to be my answer. This week alone I have picked up many books and are trying to put there to good use. Pretty green Iam! Ill take all the advice ya have......

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I googled her (quilt julie lambert) and got some web-sites with photos of her applique work and her award-winning quilting. Is she teaching applique or quilting? I personally have not attended a class taught by her.

I'm of the opinion that all classes are a good thing. I get something, a new techique, ideas, inspiration, and network building from every class I attend. I've only had one that was disappointing and even that one gave me a nice motif idea. So they're all good.

They can be pricey, $200 and up here in San Diego. But you get the hands on with these kinds of classes. I went to Innovations last year and took about 7 lecture/demo classes with the "greats". Quilters like Sue Patten, Dawn Cavanaugh, Cindy Roth; I took a ton of notes. I can see some of that stuff in my work today. Quilt show demo classes are comparatively inexpensive ($35 - 50) and you can learn a lot. I just sent in my MQS registration (7 classes again. Dawn C, Irena Bluhm, Renae Haddadin, and more). I can't wait.

I think that most quilters will tell you that this is a journey. We were all rookies once, even those who quilted on a DSM had to learn new ways to do the same thing on a longarm. It is a growing process. Classes keep me energized and my work fresh.

I hope this class works for you. Good luck.

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Wow I went into her web site myself and she does have some great background. I guess taking her class and her only charging $30 is a pretty good rate. I signed up Im really excited about going. Does any one know where you can pick up some good quilting stencils? Im looking for the Continuous feather pattern and some other ones to help me get the hang of doing this on fabric. I know I sound so green but I?m trying to get more educated on this. I hope someone out there could find the time in they?re busy schedule to help out a starter in this stuff. I know you have all been there and if ya think Im taking the wrong approach please feel free to advise me in the correct direction. I hope to learn from the best. Reading a lot of the post in here I know there are a lot of really good ones on this site. Cant wait to here from ya.

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