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Auction quilt again

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I found out I have another month on the auction quilt for my women's group at church. Whew! I was really wondering at this late date if I'd be able to pull it all together by mid-March, but the BASH isn't until middle of April, so I have more time.

I'm thinking I will give the sewing women each the cut-out pieces for part of the big star in the middle and foundation paper and instructions to sew their section. It's a sew one and you're done kind of pattern, and will have a picture in the middle with the star surrounded by pic's on point. That way it will be beautiful (I hope) even if the pictures aren't. I'll show the non-sewing women how to iron on any shape they want for me to stitch around. One woman has volunteered to hand-applique the ironed-on shapes. I have scads of Wonder-undered fabric pieces they can use.

Have any of you done this kind of activity before, and how did you work it?

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