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Quilting Business

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I would like more information about getting started in a quilting business. I live in a fast growing community 60 miles West of Las Vegas, NV. I know there are quite a few people who make quilt tops, but right now don't know how many actually quilt. I love to make quilts and would like to have my own long arm. How do I get started.;)

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Just a quick post to let you know that I responded to you via email with some documents attached for you to look over. These documents ought to help to put the machine quilting business in perspective and show you just how viable this is as a business. Let me know any questions you come up with after looking through all of the info. Happy to help whenever we can! Also--don't forget we'll be at the show in Henderson, Nevada in April. Anyone wanting more details can get in touch with me. :D

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To Carla

I also am requesting this info. My wife and i both quilt and we also hand qult all our qults that we do. We been talking about getting a machine from you folks and would very much luv to long arm quilt for ours. We find that once people hear about the price of a hand quilted quilt they back off and we fell that long arm quilting will bring that part of our quilting together. Thank you for your time.

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I would love to share some more information with you about the business aspect of longarm machine quilting! It is a fun and fulfilling business to be a part of and it can be very viable financially.

If you could email me privately (carla@apqs.com) so that I have your email address. I can email the documents to you that I think will help you in formulating a plan for your own business or you can get in touch with me by phone anytime also at 800-426-7233, ext. 15 and I can take some info from you and mail it to you. Whatever works easiest for you is fine with me. Just let me know where and how to send the information and I'll get it on its way to you right away. Then after you have a chance to look it all over and give it some thought, we can visit again to answer all of your remaining questions. I'm happy to chat with anybody interested in getting started in this type of business -- it's an awesome way to be self-employed!! :D

I'll be looking forward to hearing from you soon!

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Gourge Goumas maintains a list of longarmers (this isn't EVERY longarmer but those who have submitted their info to George): http://home.earthlink.net/~gglabus/labus2.htm

You can search the database by location, name, etc. It may give you some insight into how many local longarmers there.

You could also call the local quilt shops and ask if they recommend longarmers and if so, do they have any idea how long the wait is to have a quilt done. That will give you some indication as to how busy they are staying.

Don't be limited by your local area though. I am in KY and I get very little local business because they think I am too expensive!:( But, I stay booked for 10 - 12 months in advance and the business comes mostly from the Baltimore area and California. I think there's plenty of business out there and any one wants to make a nice income from longarm quilting can easily do so!

Judy Laquidara

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