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Thread breaking going left or up - SCREAM

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I am having big time problems with thread breaking just when I am going from right to left or bottom to top. I'm working on a flannel quilt I made for my DH over a year ago and am using cotton thread (STAR) on top and prewound cotton thread in bobbin.

I'm fine going left to right or top to bottom but if I head in the other directions, it breaks. After four hours of frustration last night, I gave up.

I didn't have this problem with the quilt at first. COuld it be the thread? COuld it be that the quilt is rolled too tight?




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If it is an APQS machine it probably is NOT timing! My workhorse Ult I had only been timed ONCE in 8 years... and that's because we replaced the hook and the hopping foot! Unless you've run into something (like a ruler or a clamp), then you need to look at your quilt.

Whenever I have this problem it is due to the quilt sandwich being too tight. I back off my quilt tension, and back down in my thread tension and everything is usually fine.

You could also have a burr in your needle or thread path. Check those too. But I'd reckon that it is NOT timing.

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Just a follow up to my original post.

I decided to loosen the quilt a little on the rollers and I loosened the top tension just a bit and I seem to be doing a lot better. THe thread is still breaking more than I would like, but at least not every three inches!

I still think the timing may be a little off though since I hit a ruler a couple of weeks ago, so my next job is to check the timing.

thanks, all,


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An interesting observation regarding thread breakage......I just got through with a queen sized quilt, everything went smoothly until about the last 12 inches of the quilt. My thread would break every 3-4 inches! I got so frustrated that I decided to quit for the night. Today I came back to it, fresh. I changed the needle. The thread still broke. I checked for burrs and couldn't find any. I checked for correct threading of the machine - it was perfect. I did not know what else to do so I continued to limp along, rethreading the needle every few inches. I only had 12 inches left...I was determined to finish this quilt!

The customer had asked for some of the thread I used on her quilt so she could use it on her binding. While winding some thread onto a cardboard "bobbin" (like is used for cross stitch floss) I repeatedly encountered knots in the thread! These knots would pull out easily enough, but they would never have fit through my needle!!! I was using Superior So Fine which I thought was a good quality machine quilting thread. The spool looks normal but acts like it was twisted while being wound onto the spool. Has anyone else experienced this?

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