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Update on Linda Steller?


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Linda, I\'ve been where you are, and it does get better!! One thing that I didn\'t know (and they failed to mention) was that the nerve pain might continue for a while.

My disc had ruptured and was pushing on the sciatic nerve for almost 2 years before they finally operated. The doc said (after I tearfully informed him that the surgery hadn\'t worked!!) that the nerve was kind of bruised, and used to being pinched, and it needed time to calm down and heal.

He was right, and it did eventually go away, but I really would have appreciated knowing that before-hand! For a little while I was just devastated, thinking that the surgery hadn\'t helped, and I would always have that pain.

So take it easy, and let it heal!! I\'m glad you are doing so well, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas!!

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