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Circle Lord


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I recently sent up my circle lord for my millie and raised the carriage per the instructions. It works fine, but my question is this: Now that I've raised the carriage the machine makes a horrible racket. It sounds like a tin horse. It's horrible! Has anyone else had this problem? Is there anything I can do to fix it?

Thanks, Lynn

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You do not say when your machine is making a noise. Is it when you are moving the machine? Does it make a noise just sitting in one place and running? When does the noise occur and under what conditions? Does the noise come from the machine, if so what area of the machine? Does it come from the carriage? How many washers and nuts did you put on the wheels? When you raise the machine you put more stress on the wheel bearings this may be your issue but I need more information to isolate the problem. Let me know.

Good Luck,


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