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Eeweuuuuu NQR - need suggestions......

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a couple years ago, I tripped over my dog's food bowl and sent his crunchies all over the kitchen floor. I cleaned it all up, I thought. The next thing ya know, we had this little freeway of ants!


We put stuff around, got ant traps, etc, followed their trail, and pulled out the stove...here were those dog crunchies, all covered with ants. The little boogers didn't LIKE the ant trap stuff.

They leave a little scent trail somehow which sends a message to the colony that there's food there and when you are trying to rid yourself of them, you have to clean that trail up. usually, soap and water will do it, and once the dead ones don't return, the ant colony will abandon the food source. (How they keep track of that without computers is beyond me!)

We used some no-longer available bug killer that dh is hoarding in the garage... (they took it off the shelves for consumer use, lord only knows...!) and I don't ask, it kills anything that crawls. He put that around the foundation of the house.

Still, in the meantime, it's gross!

I don' like them, mice or those little mealy worms that get into things, either. (which, incidentally, my dgf recommends putting all flour products and boxed goods into the freezer because it kills the eggs.)

It makes ya think twice about boxed dinners, because they usually just put the rice or noodles right in the box, and the little critters can eat right thru those. Some of the products have additional interior packaging, and that's good, like Zatarains or Hbg Helper. (dh likes those when I'm not home to cook.) But it is hard to keep some of that stuff from buggy issues.


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