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Preprinted wholecloth

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I purchased a beautiful preprinted wholecloth at the Houston Show this past year in a Queen.

Are these not ever allowed in SHOWS of any kind or does anyone have any experience with this subject. I mean I see that alot of work will go into this wholecloth and well I was curious. It has alot of open space that I plan to add to so to make it my own to some degree.

Just curious. I know kits are frowned on or thought of as cheating but in wholecloth other than the marking the work is the same. It would however lack individuality and that I can understand now that I'm thinking about. Maybe I just answered my own question. Huhhhh?:o:o

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Hi Tammie,

This subject has come up at some shows.

Check the guides lines with each one.

As a general rule what I have seen is that the pre-printed whole cloths are allowed if some changes are made to make it "your own".

Thats what I know, for what it is worth!;)

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