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NQR just need a few prayers

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I am praying for a speedy inflation of your lungs. and No Chest Tubes!

Our son had a collapsed lung during a track meet in college (he is a distance runner) and ended up with a chest tube for 4 days. kept it in while he was in class and even biked with his teammates! Never did figure out why it happened. I can't imagine it happening as often as it happens to you. I will continue to pray that your lungs heal.

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Spontaneous pneumothorax's are most common in young tall males for whatever reason. After the 1st collapse you only have a 98% chance of never having another. If you have a 2nd you have a 50/50 chance and the odds go down after that. I guess I'm in the less than 1% chance of not having another! My younger brother had one and fit the male model perfectly. His was down 20% and he too had a chest tube. He just shakes his head when I tell him it is collapsed and I can handle the pain. LOL I don't think the pain is as bad as a chest tube! I just tell him he is a weenie!

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Our son was born full term, C sec(no stress), over 9 lbs. After five minutes of lif:)e he experienced a double pneumothorax (both lungs). He went to the NIC unit for 12 days, had 5 chest tubes and several monitors that all beeped a lot. The best dr's in the country worked on him,(they later delivered septuplets in Des Moines)They never knew why it happened, and even went so far as to tell us they didn't know why he got better. He turns 21 this year, big guy, 6'2" but only about 140 lbs. He wrestled in high school, we and the drs. have always watched him and his health, (A LOT) After talking to the new drs. he has as an adult, I'm getting the feeling they know a lot more about the way this condition works. They are getting close to beating it down, prayers for you and all who share this history, take care of yourself and be positive. :)

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Originally posted by PFroelich

Our son was born full term, C sec(no stress), over 9 lbs. After five minutes of lif:)e he experienced a double pneumothorax (both lungs). He went to the NIC unit for 12 days, had 5 chest tubes and several monitors that all beeped a lot. The best dr's in the country worked on him,(they later delivered septuplets in Des Moines)They never knew why it happened, and even went so far as to tell us they didn't know why he got better. He turns 21 this year, big guy, 6'2" but only about 140 lbs. He wrestled in high school, we and the drs. have always watched him and his health, (A LOT) After talking to the new drs. he has as an adult, I'm getting the feeling they know a lot more about the way this condition works. They are getting close to beating it down, prayers for you and all who share this history, take care of yourself and be positive. :)

From everything that I know if you don't reoccur then you are less and less likely. If you son has been healthy and hasn't had anything since he was born I think it is very unlikely that he would collapse again. So sad that he had to have those chest tubes as a baby. My daughter was in the nic u too for jaundice. Doesn't sound bad because you see this all the time but she hers was very extreme. She had to have a blood transfussion and all those machines! I was so glad that she got healthy. I felt sorry for all those moms watching their baby's go through all of that for months! Do the doctors now still think there is a problem with your son's lungs? I sure hope it all proves to be nothing.

I am one of those that try to look for the positive in things. I could sit here and feel sorry for myself but I try to remind myself that I can still continue life while there are so many others worse off than me. I have a very good friend who has cancer in her lungs which started off from a growth on her uterus! She is in a fight for her life and she still makes jokes and looks at it with a very positive attitude. That is how I want to be no matter what they tell me this is. When this first started back in 2001 I did a ton of research online. Well for me that was not what I needed. The doctor had originally told me I had blebs on my lungs. These are little blister like things that pop and cause your lung to collapse. Well I did a search on blebs and found a disease that described my condition exactly and I fit the profile exactly. Here finally an answer until I got to the end where it said this was a terminal disease and nothing could be done. Basically your lungs become swiss cheese and you just can't breath. Thankfully that isn't what I had but it scared me and I decided right then and there that I don't want to live like that. I told hubby he could research all he wanted but until they know exactly what I had I didn't want to look for things. We both handle it very differently. I'll see the doctors and pray that God provides them with the answers and guidance to best treat my condition. In the mean time I will do what I can and listen to my body! LOL just got home from the gym and I can not do the eliptical! Hurt way too much to breath in that much. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill, just had to go much slower than normal. Again I'm being very careful! I've had so many of these and I don't take anything for granted!

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Dear Heidi: Dr.s do scare us so! My son has no issues that we know about, just that he and his brother can't gain weight (10,000 cal. per day has NO effect!!!!) Wish I had that problem LOLOL, he will have to have surgery someday to seperate the scars from the tubes from his underlying muscle tissue, both for md reasons and to avoid the "bullet hole scar" look. When he went to Kindergarten, they thought I was abusive and had burned him repeatedly, threatened law action!!! When he was on swim team, girls were fascinated....

It IS best to not take anything for granted, always look forward :)

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