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Dear All: When I started this thread I had no idea... I have experienced the same losses these last years as most, lost 401, investments, benefits, some in my family lost jobs, etc. I welcomed the political process last year, and participated. I donate heavily to those in greatest need. Through it all I've managed to laugh a little too.... I guess after a lifetime of things going "bad" it's what I do to keep the stress manageable, SO when I started the thread I guess I was laughing at the inevitible pork coming from any new administration. From all your comments here, you all are caring, thinking people, I hope you can write, email, and work positively within our system to better the problems.

I listen carefully to the hopes and dreams of my children, and realize I have something they might never have. I grew up believing in the good of the people in government. I didn't have the fear of 9-11. I was not body searched when I got to high school, nor treated like a criminal at airports and stadiums. People thought nicely of me, unless I proved them wrong. My children have never had a stranger look at them , and known they were accepted just as they are. One of my goals is to change this.

It truly doesn't matter if you agree with the political people in power, only that you educate yourself in the issues, then participate in the process, however you can, and donate your time and whatever resources you can to the betterment of the world. I grew up in the late 60's near Berkeley, a strange time....Things have gotten better, not fixed , but better, because people are mostly good, and mostly care.

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I think we are getting a little off track on this thread with the direction of the president's middle name, & or birth certificate...fact is he was elected by the people, LITTLE more than half (6% over the opponent is not a mandate but a divided country) with the public well aware of his middle name (which does hold a stigma due to 9/11 which was not that long ago and is still very fresh in alot of people's minds, some wounds will never heal). As for his birth certificate well congress & the supreme court never did see the certificate of live birth or know the actual hospital that he was born at. They went on the WORD only of the officials in Hawaii. So speculation still lingers in this. An easy fix would be to release the actual certificate of live birth, not a birth announcement or a lesser certificate that is issued from one that was born outside the US but has 1 parent that is a US citizen. (I am not implying anything here except that this is the only president in history that has a question mark by his place a birth for many (not all) americans).

But getting back to my point here is he is the president for now and the only way for him to leave office is, voted out in 4 years, impeachment, or assasination (which NO ONE who voted for or against this president would ever want to see happen).

No one ever said that kid's healthcare issues were in the same catogory as pet projects or special interests.

All I am saying is that "bigger" goverment is not the answer it may be a short term fix for some but over the years when there is not enough $ to fund the programs (such as social security, medicare etc...) it sounded great at the time and even did well for a while, but congress back then didn't not think ahead for the what if scenarios. Such as the what is begining to happen now with the baby boomer generation comming of age, inflation, cost of living going up etc..they did not think that some generations would be a greater load on the system than others they ASSUMED that each generation would multiply the way that one generation or two before had. The generation that the large baby boomer generation produced or the ones following it was not large enough to fund it for long term. Then add in that congress can't stop borrowing $ from these funds, robbing Peter to pay Paul scenario while leaving behind the IOU's.

So what is done to correct this? Well if you ask those that are in charge now...raise taxes more in a bad economy, borrow more $ from country's that don't like us to leverage our debt which puts our national security at risk, and cut our military spending and benefits.

As far as revolution goes, well that may end up happening if inflation goes up, taxes goes up, unemployment goes up and our government continues to pass these huge stimulus/ spending bills. After all you can only push someone so far before they start to push back.

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More: I hope we can post more positive messages for each other. I was really blown away by the really helpful and insightful messages to lizziegirl. I know that kind of brainstorming can have really positive results, and also support a friend in real pain. Those suffering in this economy need more helpful ideas, and many groups,churches and communities are really responding, read everyday, you'll see foodbanks responding, neighborhoods helping, school districts listening and helping, many, many ordinary people trying hard with encouragement and action. Join in!!!

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The link below will take you to the document that has been provided by Obama. When you view it you will see, right there, across the top, CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH. You can also view the rest of the document.

If by chance the link doesn't work you can google Obama. In the box that comes up below the search window are some other selections you can choose, rather than type in Obama birth certificate.

If you click on Obama birth certificate you can easily go to the article with the below assciated link. Either way you choose you should be able to get there. I hope the information provided on the document is proof that President Obama is a Natural Citizen and over the age of 35 and is therefor qualified to be in the position of US President.


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I enjoy looking at these political discussions, but they seem to digress into personal opinions and attacks. I do have a suggestion for all who feel strongly about any of these issues, write your senator http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

and let them know how you feel about the stimulus package, Tricare benefits, etc. etc.

There are lots of forums for politics, this is a forum about quilting.

Janet Mohler

Colorado Springs

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