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Nora, I do them and they look pretty good. I did practice every night on paper for several weeks. Now I practice at the Dr.'s office or where ever. I do mine a little differently then she does and actually, I was doing this before I got her book. I emailed my work to her and she liked what I did and asked to put it on her website. This picture was taken before I washed out the marking. Now I just do them without marking.


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Sylvia, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! For posting this picture! It's like the lightbulb came on. After I saw your photo I sat down with my white board in my lap and drew the prettiest feather plumes! Before this they have all been...well...like they were drawn by a first grader! I'm so excited I can't wait to try quilting some. I have a red/white/blue star quilt on the frame now - have to load the backing yet, and it is a community quilt so I can do anything I want on it. I wasn't planning to practice feathers. But, how do you think feathers will look with stars? :o Your feathers look so nice! You must have been practicing for a while.

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Carmen, Feathers come hard for me so I had to use pencil and paper for awhile before I'd even draw if off on cloth. I think that is the trick. Now, they are easy to do. I'd really like to be able to do the smooth-one-line-ones these experts do. Until then, I'll stick with these. I am glad I could help. Post a picture soon.

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