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A little CRY for help

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I am posting this here instead of the trouble shooting section as it is once again a weekend and I figure some of you might be able to help me a bit faster than APQS.

I recently put my new baby on my table, she is stitch regulated, and regardless of using the SR or not, when working from the front of the machine, the closer I get to the back of the Quilt (or leveler bar & take up roller) she vibrates like crazy.

What do i need to adjust? Please and thank you.

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Monika, try putting a strip of a few layers of batting on top of the quilt, right under the leveler bar. This helped mine. Also, try loosening up the quilt a bit. Loosen the backing roller just a notch. You may just have it stretched too tight. Good luck.


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Hi Peggy, Thanks for your suggestions, this has happened since I put my new machine on a couple of weeks ago. It was never an issue with my previous machine, so i am suspecting wheels, axle, SR weight, anything like that.

I never adjusted my front wheels and my machine is very smooth, glides like a knife thru butter, purrs like a kitten, except when it gets towards the back.

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