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2004/2003 frames

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Hi There,

I am wondering if you could explain to me the difference between how the legs on the frame changed from one year to the next. I was inforomed that the new frame was easier to load, and then I was also informed that the new frame was just easier for set-up. Can you explain better. Thanks!

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The new frame is easier to put together and has a lot fewer parts. The tables are about the same except for the spacing of the spacer tubes. The major difference is in the legs and they hold the bars in a different way that is much more convenient for making changes. We have 1 of the old tables and 3 (with 1 more on the way) of the new tables. It was an improvement in the manufacturing, installation and cosmetically more pleasing. The new table is also much easier to set-up. The power take up motors are not interchangeable (mounts are position a little different) and if you want casters you will need a square leg adapter.

It?s like an automobile the factory is always looking for ways to improvement the product.


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