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I need to adjust the hopping foot and can't find the screw slot once I get the screwdriver into the proper hole. Any suggestions anyone? Yesterday I used an A-1 machine at a quilting class by Jamie Wallen. I was very impressed at the way it would glide so easily. My Millie doesn't even come close to doing that. Right now I'm fighting with the damn thing again and I'm getting irritated to say the least. The quilt I'm doing is a miserable charity quilt made with a cheap, thick batting. The rails and wheels are clean but the machine will not glide at all. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Yes, I am angry!!

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Hi Marie

You will need to move the handwheel a bit to line up the screw head with the hole. Using a good flashlight will assist with that as well.

As far as your machine not moving smoothly, please refer to the wheel adjustments on the APQS website. If your wheels are set up correctly you too will be as happy as the rest of us are. FYI, I have owned an A-1 in the past, it is a great machine but I am MUCH happier with the stitch quality and the SR on the APQS.

Please let us know if we can assist you further.

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Did you have a great time with Jamie.

Sherry gave you great advice. It sounds like you need to adjust you wheels. Make sure your table is level as well.

What's up with your hopping foot that you need to change it?

Sherry, Did you find out about lolita?


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Thanks for the emails. I have a perfectly level table, left to rt and front to back at the ends and in the middle. I have adjusted the wheels from firm to so loose the head fell off the carriage. The reason I'm looking a raising the hopping foot is because the batting on this cheap quilt is so thick. It's the same as the other two they gave me but this situation seems far worse. I sent pix to Mike to see what he thinks. I have another quilt coming tonight and it's full of fun feathers so I want the machine to travel with ease.

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Hi Marie

There is some really GREAT information on the APQS homepage. It is there for the taking and really spells out how to do almost anything and even in girl talk! I copied the text and am pasting it here for you to read. Please note the last sentence as well. You will find many cell phone#'s on the dealer page too!

Adjusting the wheels

The wheels should turn smoothly when you move the machine. The lip of the wheel should rest on the carriage and the table rails. If the wheel is too snug, the rails will appear to be resting tightly into the curved part of the wheel.

To make adjustments to the carriage, stand on the free ?hand side of the machine to begin. Always turn the cams counter-clockwise, even if you have to go one full turn!! Also, note that the cams should be fairly snug and somewhat difficult to turn freely with a wrench. Never hold the 7/16? bolt that is through the wheel and underneath the adjusting cams while making adjustments or you could strip out the cam.

When you look down at the adjusting cams on the front of the carriage, the narrow part (that?s the part of the cam with the shortest distance between the hole in the middle of the cam to the cam?s outer edge) of both cams should be pointing toward 8 - 9 o?clock (if straight back represents 12 o?clock). The loosest setting would be reached by turning the cam until the narrow part is aligned with ?6 o?clock?. Turning the cam until the narrow part aligns with ?12 o?clock? would create the tightest setting.

To adjust the machine head, stand on the pantograph side of the machine. The front and real axles? adjusting cams will be on the right side. The narrow part of the cams should be pointing near 5 o?clock.

Once you?ve positioned the cams on the carriage and the machine head, make sure the adjustments are secure by placing a 9/16? wrench on each cam to hold it in position, and then tightening the gold bolt that extends through the wheel with a 7/16? wrench. If the gold bolt is loose, the cams will not stay in place and maintain the proper adjustment.

If the machine still doesn?t move smoothly with these adjustments, something else is wrong. Maybe there is a bad carriage wheel, or another adjustment can be made ? like taking out a washer or adding one somewhere. Call us?we can help!

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Just a thought here....I too was having a terrible time with my Millie not moving easily and like you my table was level. It was 6 months before we finally realized that the HEAD was NOT level and it turned out that the screw that the factory had sent that kept the black box attached to the horizontal wheel on the back of the machine was too short. My husband replaced the screw--got the head level and voila! Instant success.

Silly us, the table being level we never thought to check the head itself. Just a thought you might want check.

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