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Having good service is so Important. APQS is Great.

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It is so wonderful to have great service just a phone call away. I have not been able to use my Millennium for 10 months due to finding black mold all over our house. The whole house needed to be treated and in some form remodeled, from attic to basement. Construction dust got on Millie, despite wrapping in plastic. (yes, I should have put her away in a box but we were too freaked to think straight). After being out of touch with APQS for almost a year, not even having time to read the forum, I just called up APQS, talked to Dawn and got the simple cleaning directions. Same great service (and reassurance). Helping me to do it myself. This is why I got an APQS machine. Boy, am I glad!

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Guest Linda S

APQS does have wonderful service. If you call and they give you a suggestion, and it doesn't work, you need to be sure to call back and let them know (this is a rare occurrence). They won't know the problem isn't solved unless you tell them.

Sorry to hear about the mold. You hear about this happening more and more frequently these days. I hope it's all out of your home and that you've got wonderful quilting days ahead!

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