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APQS on YouTube

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I enjoy watching the APQS video library on YouTube. I would really like to be able to watch the video and practice on my machine at the same time, however it is impossible to get an internet connection in my studio.

Is it possible to download the videos onto my laptop so I can watch them that way? I'm not very computer savvy so please don't get too technical on me.

If that's not possible maybe APQS could put them on a DVD occasionally?

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Lynne I went to youtube and in the search box I put "can I download video's " several video's came up giving instructions on how to do just that.

It is a great idea! I'm sure if you have trouble, one of your boys will be able to help you out. I have to call my IT kid, quite frequently. Infact everytime I invite him to dinner......he now assumes that I have an IT problem. LOL

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