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bumpy ride

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I have been noticing that my machine has been riding a little bumpy from left to right. We cleaned out the wheels but it is still a little bumpy. Can this be affecting my tension? I have been having problems maintaing a proper tension on the machine.

We also cleaned the wheels with alcohol.

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Typically the two are unrelated. The bumpy ride can be caused by misaligned wheels on the axles or a wheel bearing that is starting to fail. I'm going to email instructions to you to help check some things out.

Regarding the machine "holding" the tension, the first thing to check is the tension "check spring" directly next to the tension assembly--that little wire that bounces up and down. Make sure that it rests at about 11:00, and when thread is pulled through the needle it comes down to about 9:00.

In addition, check that the 3-hole guide next to the tension assembly is aimed from 8:00 to 2:00 if you think of a clock face. If the guide slips loose and falls to 7:00 or 6:00, your thread doesn't stay properly nestled into the tension disks.

Hopefully we'll find the culprit for both problems!

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