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Customer contracts?

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Does anyone use any kind of simple 'contract' when you get a quilt to the effect that you will do your absolute best but can't be responsible for poor workmanship, things beyond your control or even their not liking your job when it's not your poor workmanship, but a matter of taste? I don't know if it's necessary, but wondered about it. Especially if they could mark what kind of batting, thread, density of stitches, design, etc so that there is no question later on what they wanted? I really haven't had any problem with this, but don't want to get myself in jeopardy with new clients. Should I not worry about it?

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Great question. On your intake sheet you can print whatever you feel comfortable with.

At the bottom of my intake sheet is just a short " I authorize Finely Finished Quilts to complete the work listed" and a place for the signature. So I list it all--maybe drawing designs on the back of the sheet. Take copious notes on the intake sheet, measure while the customer is there, inspect the backer and batting, look for full piecing or open seams, and write down what thread you have chosen. I think that's about as "binding" as I would like to go. Too many disclaimers and formal contract language will make your customer wonder if you've had unhappy clients before and why such protection is necessary. Just my opinion, of course.;)

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