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Unthreading bobin tension

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I've got a wierd one. My bobbin threads has started escaping from the tensioner. It happend a couple of days ago, but I ret-threaded it and then it was fine so I thought no more about it. It was a bit odd as I had used about half the bobbin before it happened, but as it behaved afterwards I wasn't too worried.

It happend again today. This time I got maybe a quarter of the way through the bobbin when the tension vanished. I checked and the thread wasn't undder the tension finger on the carrier anymore. SO I re threaded and off I went. It happend three more times before I got half way through the bobbin. Then it was fine. Then next two bobbins have been fine too.

Any ideas? If I am shaping up for a problem I would like to know the fix before it gets much worse.


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Check for lint under the tension finger of the bobbin case by lifting it gently with a fine pin or needle. Clean the case well. Make sure that you have adequate tension. If all else fails, try a new bobbin case. I have had this happen occasionally with fine and/or slippery threads.

Good luck!

Cathy Kirk

Quilting Cowgirl

APQS Millenium


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Yup, I clean everything every time I change bobbins, and I have double checked unfer the finger each time it has jumped. The tension has been great when the thread is where it should be. I am using the same bobbin thread I always do, in one of my two standard colours, light beige.

Fortunately it has behaved long enough for me to finished the quilt I was making that I needed done in a hurry. I think I might try and get a new bobbin case anyway, just incase.



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