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IQ Classes & Digitizing

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Just had to let you all know I finished my IQ classes with Suzanne Moreno and it was great! I have so much more confidence in my IQ and what this amazing system is capable of. The process of learning through an interactive computer program and speaker phone worked great. And I think having private lessons was worth the cost because everything was based on the speed at which I learn. If I was struggling with something we stayed on it until I understood it. She even created a custom class just for me to work with a client who wants to publish her wall hanging designs!

Now I am halfway through her digitizing class. I hadn't thought about the fact that IQ is based on a CAD program. Therefore it made sense to me to learn digitizing with AutoSketch. I would rather spend less on the program and more on classes so I can use the software with complete confidence. The concepts flow from the IQ class right into Autosketch so it is helping me understand IQ even better. AutoSketch is easy to work with as it follows standard Window based interface. You just turn off the features that are not applicable to digitizing for quilting. I am already working on my own designs and hope to digitize designs for other artists in the future.

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