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Fonzie (aka Quilt Path) Saved my bacon!

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I am doing the quilting happy dance! I volunteered to quilt a comfort quilt, where the blocks were donated by 20 plus online friends. The online group delivers a comfort quilt to a member that has lost a spouse or child.

Once I started to load the top, I realized that I was going to have a challenge. The top border was three inches + shorter than the body of the quilt, causing some fairly significant "D cups" in the top row of the quilt. Because this quilt has been a work in progress for a couple of years, I knew I would not be able to find the same fabric to replace the border. I also did not want to offend the gals that had finished up the quilts by altering their finished project.

Before I got Fonzie, I only did panto's.... I would have had all kinds of puckers and pleats..... but now Fonzie drives my Lenni and I can watch the actual quilt top...

So with that in mind, I picked a fairly dense pattern "Gypsy Feathers" by Onesonge needle, and turned on Fonzie to do his magic. As Fonzie quilted over the quilt top, I gently eased the fullness of the fabric in between the quilt lines. Yes I did have to stay close to the machine on the first two rows of quilting (and the last for that matter because I had the same problem on the bottom border).. but the quilt top does not have any pleats or puckers. I would not have been able to do that had I been on the backside following the panto.

Although the quilt isn't square, I won't be embarassed to send it on its way.

This is just one more reason I love Quilt Path! I am sure that you can do the same with any of the systems, but I just happen to have this one. :)


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For my Innova, I have 2 extended bases - one little and one big. I leave the little one on for most of my computer work just for the reason this thread was started - easier to manipulate the fabric in those crazy areas on the quilt. To get my smaller base - I ordered the regular size (larger one) & took it to a machinist who cut it down and smoothed all the edges. It is made of some sort of acrylic just like our rulers. My little base is worth its weight in gold plus some.

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