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pattern ~ HUGE quilting tote?

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Dang  I forgot all about what I do when I make something that will be carrying  heavy things..  


I use webbing, either alone, or inside a fabric sleeve that highlights, blends or matches the bag,

and follow a line that takes it down one side, under the bag, across the bag bottom to the other

side, and back up then down and the other and across the bag to form the handle on the same

side of the bag.    It wasn't much fun, in my impatience, figuring out how long I needed the straps for

what I carry, and getting the handles in the same size, width, length, matching placement on both

sides, etc.  

  Do a lot of safety pin pinning and it makes it a lot easier!  lol,, I found that out..  


ALERT:  be sure there isn't an unwanted loop in the handles/strap.


Geesh, I also try to start/stop the straps at the bottom of the sides, or just

end them an inch or two in towards a center seam, which I don't like because of

the bulk tending to give a tilt/ imbalance when I set it down.


For those who really like an elite product,  the straps can be positioned to tuck just

under the bag, be sewn down, then a false outside bottom with little feet be put on.

it hides all that stuff.   ROL,  I figure if they want to look at the bottom then THEY

have the problem.. especially when my bag is full... lol


If I think of more, I will edit.. with a PS




Anyway, one continually long strap can be used even for up over the shoulder.  I also use

the solid bottom in a bag for heavy carrying, and it doesn't take a lot.  I made two of these

for my friend that was on 24 hour oxygen and had to have two small bottles with her at all



 Even a layer or two of foam board in the bottom, will do a terrific job if it is under control in

a pocket.



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