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GREAT Show!!

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We just got back from a show in the tiny town of Superior Montana~FANTASTIC show-Sold OUT of my new products!!Great sales on everything else.  Such nice people.We Walked from the motel to the only market and 1 of 2 resturaunts-They think they are feeding LUMBERJACKS!!  LOL  could not eat even half of the servings.  We will be going back next year!  Next show Reno~Hope to see some of you there!!!!!!

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Happy, Congratulations on the Wonderful luck.  And Much more on the Reno sales.. you will need LOTS of your jewel items there!..


I love the little bulletin board pins you make and sent me to critique, and as a gift!   love them, so glad they are so good in sales.


Wishing you the best

my friend,



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Happy, we are finding out that quite a few of the independently owned, will

serve/sell a "child's portion" if asked.  I do this a lot, otherwise I ask for a

people box.  rofl, I had a small muffin and a couple of bbq ribs for breakfast



EWwww   I forgot most people do not carry coolers with ice, as we have to.


It makes it easier to have left overs and keep them safe for eating later.



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