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Machine Advice

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I am moving my store to another location just a few blocks from my current location. Which means that I have to move Precious as well. My question is to those who have the Gypsy blood and have moved enough times to know any tricks to moving my Millie without having to completely dismantle the entire thing. Any kind of information in regards to this would be GREATLY appreciated.

On another note, God quite literally dropped this new location in my lap. It will save me $250 a month in the summer months and $520 a month during the winter months. HUGE HELP financially.

Now we are off to do taxes!

Best Wishes and Happy Quilting to all!


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We are able to move complete machines in our enclosed trailer. We put wheels on the tables. One challange is you do not want to shock, drop or jar the table with the machine on it. You can break a wheel. You might be able to use dollies with wheels or brute man power to load. It is safer to remove two bars and slide the machine head off for safety. This is very quick and easy. If you want to call and talk about this move our studio # is 816-350-2002.


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The difference in cost is due to the fact that the place i am renting at the moment does not hold heat well AT ALL. So i have a huge propane bill in addition the the electric bill tripling because the heater is running almost constantly when the temp is set for 65! The rent is 150 less per month at the new place and includes the water/sewer and electric! Like i said before God dropped this one in my lap---almost literally. I guess that i am doing something right! At least i hope that I am!

Take Care ya'll and Thanks for all the help!

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