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two finished quilts.

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I just finished the second quilt this weekend, that had one piece added to one side of the backing.

This quilt is for the guild to present to a member who is moving away.   I ended up splitting the smaller

strip and added it to the other side.  Thought of splitting the large piece, but didn't want double

seams close to the middle.  It came out pretty, but was a total disappointment with the gal who

assembled the friendship blocks.  I also brought another home last night, for another gal who will

be moving in May.  I hope it's put together better.  The first had seams that were half an inch to a

quarter inch on the same block.. same seam was nearly not there on one end and wider on the other.

I felt like I was quilting a beginners quilt.. really bad news on the first.  I'm asking another friend to

make sure the gal who is leaving next month, knows that I didn't assemble it. 

We hope, thinking another gal put it together, the one we picked up last night will be better.

We also got to deliver a QoV to the gal who made it.  We met in between our homes and had lunch

together, where our Grand daughter works.  We had a blast, visiting for 2 hours.. She loved the quilt and

he thought it was beautiful, so I was happy too.  I had a terrible time with the batting.  It was warm and

natural but covered with so many little beads and clung to the quilt top when it was rolled back and forth,

that I was half sick.  We tried the tape rollers, tape on hands, clothes brush and vacuum, and it still didn't

come off.  the only thing I found to get rid of it was rubber gloves and even then it would leave chunks of

lint and thread ends that I had to go back to get.  I finally gave up and she said she had a different

brush of some kind that would take it right off.  The pokies on the back were awful and she said she'd not

use that fabric again.

Anyway, I had a blast, think himself enjoyed himself and met new friends.. They said we'd have to go

visit their area one day.  Sounds to be fun.


I am going to try to get picts uploaded to Flicker.. try is the key word. I'm computer challenged in some ways. 



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