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Quilting path question

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I have just become reacquainted with my Mille and am starting to "practice" on a piece of muslin. My question is pretty basic, and the answer may relate in this instance to a plain piece of fabric being used as opposed to an actual quilt. When I start with my "pattern" at the front of the machine, and go from left to right, when it's time to do the next row, do I cut the thread and then go back to the left hand side to continue.........?

TIA for any advice.


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Depending on the height of you pass, you might be able to do more then one pass per quilt advance.  If so I normally cut my thread, reverse the stitching and have it quilt the opposite directions across the quilts.  There is no rule that says you always have to quilt from left to right, you just need to tell Quilt Path what you want it to do.  

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The machine is multi-directional.  I quilt straight lines all the across the top in both directions when I am doing modern quilting.    It won't hurt the machine.  I think you are thinking about stitch quality.  You are moving in all directions when you are quilting, it really doesn't matter if you start on the left or the right.   Think about a feathered wreath, you literally quilt every directions possible when you do one.   Your stitch quality is best when you move from left to right, but it is should still be good when you move in any direction.  I can't tell the difference in my stitches when I look at the back of the quilt.  


I quilt much faster when I freehand then my Quilt Path does.  If I was worried about needle flex, I would slow down my quilting.  I am already doing that by using Quilt Path instead of freehand quilting.  

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