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Facebook/blog/ website???

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rofl Meg,   I shall noodle around for sure.  now that I have some info about

what to look for.  I'll figure out the "how to's" but it won't be started for a few

days, well it will be started but not published.


Thanks ladies for all the tips and info.



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I took your advice and added a new blog post that is not about quilting.  I stilll need to add the post about the quilt I just finished, but I took a bit of time tonight and wrote about the writer's workshop I went to last weekend.  Would y'all look at it and be sure it is not too distracting from the aspect that all the other posts have been about quilting?


Thanks in advance!

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I read your Writing Retreat blog and thought it was very interesting! Sounds like something I would enjoy doing. I think it is fine to blog about non-quilt things. I think people enjoy reading about other aspects of a quilter's life from time to time. I've read other quilter's blogs that sometimes write about other things going on in their life. (Green Fairy comes to mind).

Anyway, that's my point of view. Maybe one day I'll try blogging..... :-). You are doing great to be teaching, quilting, blogging, along with all the things a gal's gotta do in the home! Linda

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