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Jumping when doing a large swirl panto

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I am trying to do a large swirl panto design and when I try to keep it smooth going in the circular path, my machine starts jumping in spots.  I don't know if it is somehow out balance or what.  I have cleaned the rails and the wheels and oiled it.  I think it only does it on the circles, not on other designs. An my thread keeps breaking on the row I am on now.  I have a Millenium 2011.  Any ideas?  I'm not sure where to begin troubleshooting.

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If you're really gripping the handles and bearing down hard to stay on line and make it through the big swirls, you may be making the front raise up. You may also be going too fast. Slow down and it will help with the thread breakage and any balance issues caused by pressing down on the rear handles.


It's hard to make those sweeping curves nice without a bit of speed, but ease up, loosen up, and hope for the best. Try stitching with a light grip---only two fingers and your thumb of each hand. Dance instead of race.   :)

Good luck

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