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quilt path triangles

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HELP:  I am trying to do triangles in triangle blocks around a block.  I am able to do the top two with the orientation I want.  When I move to the bottom two, the orientation needs to be flipped or mirrored to match the top two triangles.  I know it must be something very simple I am missing, but I cannot figure out out to mirror or flip the triangle.  Can someone please walk me through setting it up step by step.   :angry: I am doing my first custom quilt with quilt path so each block is different.  I have a lot of triangles to do.  I need help, please :wub:



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Kat, if you need to actually flip or mirror those triangles, you'll need to do that in Design & Create. If you're just rotating them around a center square, just be sure to pick the tip of the triangle first, then the two base points.  And are you on the Quilt Path Facebook forum? You'll find lots of help there, too!

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Thank you Barb, I will try this now.  You are a life saver.  Thank you.  I was using the tilted setting, WRONG :P I have to use the regular triangle setting.  Can't wait till I get to sashing and borders :( .  I am learning though.  I will go on Facebook and follow the Quilt Path forum as well, did not know about that.  Thanks again.

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Good Morning Barb,  Maybe I wrote to soon.  I am wondering if there is a glitch in my computer program.  I use the triangle settings and I can get the setting to work part of the time.  For some reason not he bottom triangles around my block, it takes me playing with and re-booting the entire program to get the orientation correct.  After I sent you your thank you last night, I was able to get the last three triangles set correctly.  The fourth one took me another hours to get to orient correctly.  I am so confused as to what I am doing wrong.  I even wrote down the procedure when it worked for me and duplicated the exact path on all of the triangles.   I guess I need Quilt Path for Dummies.



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When I need to have a different orientation on a specific pattern, I pull the pattern into PatternCad (as normal), SELECT ALL button, then hit the ROTATE button.  I can then rotate my pattern to whatever orientation I need, save it (to use for all that particular orientation), and if I know I'm going to need another different orientation, I rotate and save.  I know, it's probably not what's being taught, but it works for me!!  Have fun!

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We all could use a "Quilt Path for Dummies" primer!!  We can work on this issue more efficiently over on the Facebook forum - easier to post photos of what you're seeing on your tablet and more of us to help.  Did you get your invite?

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