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Carpal Tunnel Questions

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Hi Everyone!

I am going to have surgery in August for my Carpal Tunnel problem. I have had the problem for years...but it has gotten so bad in the last year I can hardly use the rotary cutter and I no longer do any hand work. My Dr. told me I have the hands of a 65 yr old factory worker...I am only 40 :(

Funny enough, using my Millie is about the only thing I do that does not bother my hands(unless I do a lot of tight swirl or stipple work)

My questions....Has anyone here been through the surgery? How long did it take you to get back to quilting? Any suggestions for a speedy recovery?

The thought of shutting down my business is scary. I am planning to take off about 6 weeks.

Thank You!

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I have had carpel tunnel surgery on both hands. I had the laproscopic (spelling) surgery and it went very well. I may not have had as sever of a case as yours, but recovery was very fast. Was not a quilter at the time so cannot tell you about going back to it. I do fight with tendonitis in my right arm - which is part of carpel tunnel I think. I have a Millie and don't have any problems. I think if I owned a machine that had some vibration I would not be machine quilting.

The thing I had the hardest time with was getting dressed. You would be surprised what you use your hands for ;)

Best wishes and speedy recovery,

Mary Beth

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My father had the endoscopic surgery a couple of years ago, at age 57 and had almost no recovery time. He had a very severe case in both hands and the surgery worked wonders for him.

My brother had the exact same surgery this past January--at age 36 and has had the same results.

Both of them have done lots and lots of woodworking and serious carpentry work all their lives. Who knows if that is the cause!

All the best to you. I think the surgery takes like 15 minutes per hand or something crazy like that. It was well worth it for my father and brother.

God Bless!

Jill Kerekes

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I had carpal tunnel in both hands and tendinitis. I had sever case with numbness in both arms at night and pain at night up to shouders. Still have allot of ackes and pains at wrist. It may be tendonitis and arthitis.

More I use and more it hurts. Live with it. They operated on 1 hand and after that one was better then the other hand got done. Tendonitis is bad and had a operation on it as it looked like a cyst but was infection and Dr scraped tendon and sewed me up. This took about 4 or 6 months . Nita

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