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need help with problem square

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I am doing a custom job on a quilt that has a problem square on it. Someone took a picture of some needlework then put it on one of those shiny fabric sheets. My problem is that the square is about 8 x 10. I have to stabilize it some way or another. The picture didn't come out clear at all and is very faint. So, trying to outline something is a no go. I'm afraid that a crisscross through the picture would make it ugly. And, with the shiny fabric, I'm afraid of crosshatch. Will that make it peel?? Any thoughts out there?

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Guest Linda S

Oh dear! My suggestion would be to have the piecer take that dang thing out of there and replace it with a proper picture, but I suppose that is not an option. I wouldn't quilt on top of it. Perhaps after you take it off the machine you can have her put a couple of handquilting stitches in it to stabilize it according to the batting directions (max 4 inches apart or whatever). I don't know why people use that tacky stuff on something as lovely as a quilt. I use bubble jet set to print pictures. The come out really clear and they are soft and wonderful.


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Thank you Linda. I was thinking of just leaving it alone. I don't think this quilt will be heavily used anyway. I had to take a little doll (about 4" long) off one of the other squares. She gets to put that back. One square is like a quilted pot holder that is really thick and has been put onto one of the plain squares. That one was fun also. Geesh, what ever happened to plain quilts? :)

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