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Another totally NQR - DD on Mexico mission

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Hey ya'll..... my DD is currently in Mexico on a mission with her youth group, loving on orphans in the Ensenada area. You can see a teensy bit about what they're doing here:


I know this has absolutely nothing to do with quilting, but I wondered how many of us have kids or other on missions this summer, and would you like to share yours? I'd love to read about them.

God bless the teens and others on missions! (Where's the smiley with the huge heart?)

Oh! and just imagine sending a quilt with each mission trip in future...... hmm....

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I don't have one going this summer, but my daughter has gotten her college degree in Intercultural Studies, which is another name for a missions degree. She had to go on a semester mission trip of 6 months for her final requirement for graduation. She went to Thailand for that. She got back less than 2 weeks before the sunami hit that part of the globe.

She's been to Kiev for a 3 week mission trip and to Argentina for a 6 day mission trip. Right now she's working to pay off her school loans so she can go to the mission field full time.

It is such a wonderful experience for her and made her more mature. As a parent it's scary to let them go so far away. It helps when they go with others. When she went to Thailand it was just her and another girl. That was hard for us, but she absolutely loved it there.

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DD was delayed at the border (will wonders never cease?), and so missed the plane. They are staying at a Presby church near the border. She said she's been sick. 6:( Don't we mom's just HATE to hear our kids are sick so far away and we didn't even know it and couldn't even call to tell them to drink lots of water and eat chicken soup and stay in bed? Yup. Wouldn't have done any good anyhow, I guess.

Sigh... and her dad even bought her an extra Harry Potter because he and DS will have the other one at Scout camp this week. Ships passing in the night. Pooh.

Jeanne, your DD sounds AMAAAAAAZING. My DD would certainly love to know her. She's always been interested in other cultures, and in mission work. More power to your DD!!

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