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Thread Breaking and Timing

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Okay I am so stressed. Called APQS waiting on Tech support. My machine was working great (Milli) !!!Yesterday put a new customers quilt on. decided I needed a needle change. put new needle in, got distracted forgot to make sure it was good and tight. apparently didn't tighten enough started to sew bent needle in hook case. jammed machine. got the needle out wihout much diff. then needle wouldn't even do a complete cycle, my husband looked and said this is a timing issue. went through the process twice, now thread keeps breaking. Do I keep attempting to work on the timing, seems to run fine, straight forward stiching seemed fine for 3 inches SR did fine for about 1 inch then with turning and going away from me, thread breaks every time. Have I ruined my machine forever? I am ready toocall it quits.


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I am so sorry you are having such a bad day. I would wait to talk with the APQS tech before I did anything else.

While you are waiting there is a chat regarding thread breakage that will give you all the things to look for and try after you get the go ahead from APQS.

Make yourself a glass of lemonade, put your feet up and breathe. I am sure APQS can get your machine up and running.

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Thank you so much for your support Tech support just called and they are so calming, They feel it is a burr. Just as you all thought, Just as soon as I get off of work I will get right on it. Thanks Joyce. :)

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