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Adding borders..... yikes! help!

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Hi again,

Working on my In The Garden quilt, a Four Patch Stack'n'Whack Posies, and now I'm adding the borders. I thought you were supposed to measure across the middle, up and down, and cut that length. Ok. I did have to fudge a tiny bit on the sides, but now I went to add the top and bottom, and guess what: I have cut the borders an inch or so too long. How on earth??? I am not used to having the top and bottom turn out SHORTER than the measured border when I use the middle measurement method - always LONGER. How did that happen?????

I guess I should re-measure and see if it's really the right measurement, though I did it three times to be sure. Hmmm......

Anybody else have this problem? And what do you do when you have to fudge a little because the quilt is ever so slightly larger than the borders? I'm not sure I like what I did... tried to just fudge it in at the seams of the sashing/setting stones. But it doesn't look real good. Of course, I suppose I'll quilt it out somethow..... But what do you all do to make borders fit?

Sigh.... back to measuring. :o

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Patty, I don't know. Hmm...you could try measuring the middle area of the quilt in three different areas/sections and then average out the total measurement divided by three and cut the top and bottom borders to that average and then pin it in place (easing in the border fabric with pins so it fits). That's the great thing about cotton - it's very forgiving and you can fudge it where needed. Try pinning the borders really good before stitching and it should work. Doing this helps to avoid wonky wavy borders. Good luck.

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Ok, must have measured wrong the first time. Borders all on and sandwich awaiting only my safety pins. I did pin it like crazy, and it all seemed to ease itself together, thankfully. I have it on my dining table and draping over the sides. Just not up to cleaning the floor, then crawling around all over it on my knees, youch! The table will do this time.

Thanks, Shana. Guess I got startled and posted too soon, LOL!

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