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The new Lenni.....?????

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Ok, buying a LA IS a huge investment, we all know this, Soooo Iam looking at less expensive machines as I really don't know HOW much I want to quilt for customers. I'm going to make an appt. with a dealer in Livermore, Ca. to try out the Lenni.

I have been machine quilting on my DSM for 8 yrs now (I always spray baste) and its becoming more painful, so even I have been sending my quilts out to be Panto-d.

I have been paid to machine quilt on my DSM, and to rent time on a LA. I know I do a good job and am creative, I just wondered if anyone felt much trepidation in making this investment, not knowing if they would use it as a business?

I stay home as my DD is disabled (goes to a day program), so I DO have plenty of time if it turns into a business.

Thanks for your input!

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Hi Gael,

You're going to see Cheryl Uribe. She is a great quilter and knows her stuff about these machines.

The Lenni's are in high demand. They seem to fill that gap between domestic and industrial. I used the Lenni at the MQS quilt show a couple of months ago. It handles very nicely. You are going to love it.

It is scary to spend that much $$ on anything. But it sounds like you already have the makings for a solid business. Talk it over with Cheryl. And post any questions here. We've all been where you are. Go slow and get all your answers.

And welcome to the forum.:)

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Thanks Ramonaquilter, you are fast! lol...I've rented lots of time on a Handi Quilter and a Gammil, I didn't notice much difference between those two. The shop owner did have trouble getting service from Handi Quilter tho.

I wouldn't mind doing a part time business, but I don't want it to become a chore! Lots to think about eh?

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Hi Gael

I bought my millie 4 months ago, knowing that I probably would not go into business as I work full time. It is just a hobby for me. I have done a few charity quilts though, that was fun.

My back killed when I pinned the quilts so I thought this was the best choice for me. It was a lot of money, and I was so scared to order it.

But in the end it was worth it. I have only done 8 quilts, but who cares.


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