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Willowleaf requires a login? What's up?

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It appears that she is in the middle of moving her site to the new hosting company. It is all set up for her to place her content in there that is why we are seeing the login page. Once she goes in and uploads her web pages that screen will go away. Give her a couple of days and her site should be back up and running.

Mr. Bishwit (Joann's Geek)

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HUH? You lost me, lol Jodi Beamish (willow leaf studios) is in the middle of moving her website, the page that comes up when you type in her web address the one with the globe and log in stuff was not meant to be seen by anyone but her.

From what my DH was trying to explain in the above post was that the new IP stuff or whatever the computer guys call it was changed and ususally the info on the websites are transferred before they change it but according to my DH(who works with computers for a living) this did not happen. So as soon as Jodi Beamish (or whoever handles this stuff for her) transfer the content to her new IP stuff her site will be up and running just like before. This stuff sometimes happen when the company grows or expands.

So as said before the Willow Leaf Studio is temoprary unavailable do to the move and updates. If you need to purchase one of her designs go to another site that sells/ distrubutes her designs until she has a chance to work out all of the kinks.

oh, LOL just figured out you were commenting on Cheryl's post about Kim Diamond's web site...sorry :o my bad!

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I understand what Jodi is going through. My new website was to be up and running July 1/07 - NOT! I have had to hire a designer to input all the information from the current site into the new one. I understood this was going to be completed when the site was designed - another hurdle in the life of a business. I have lots of new product which I can not even display, yes it is frustrating, but it will get done.

Summer break is almost over and I am enjoying having my grandsons around, not going to be all burnt up over the site.

Daughter, Rhonda, has her Liberty up and running. I couldn't believe how "little" it is compared to Miss Millie. I'll be using it for custom work when Rhonda is not around! Having it upstairs is very convenient for me and the 10 foot table is great for small work. I really like this, just need to put the zippers on.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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