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Photo storage

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Although this is not necessarily quilt related, it is a topic that might affect many quilters that have online photo storage.

My Webshots account is due to renew this month. Normally I would just renew without thinking anymore about the issue but with the proliferation of online quilting resources (often allowing the uploading of pics and videos onto these sites), it seems it is important to address the question of rights with regard to material posted online.

Who owns the rights to material posted on the web, specifically photos and videos? It seems like a slamdunk to most. The person who uploaded the pics owns them. However, it is important to read the fine print on anything.

Does posting pics give expressed permission for those photos to be used anywhere else on the site you have posted them? For example, some of the picture sites have a Picture of the Day type of thing or other promotional uses. Be sure you are okay with this before committing your pictures to the site.

When you decide to no longer be a member of a site, what happens to your pictures? If you deleted pictures from a site are they deleted from the storage area of the site as well as all promotional material?

It turns out that many sites have a sort of storage area on the servers where the deleted pictures still live. It’s not something secretive or nefarious, it’s just a function of how the programming works. However, it’s important to find out how the site views those “deleted but stored” pictures.

I decided this year to read the terms of agreement and the privacy policy of Webshots carefully. (OMG, it’s a LOT to read!) I was pleased to see that Webshots answered ALL my questions to my satisfaction and to find out if I ever leave them, my pics are gone from there, too. Forever.

Whatever photo site you use, you should read the terms of agreement.

BTW, I am not thrilled with Webshots but I am lazy and don’t want to shop for another site. So I stay with them. I used to have a Picturetrail account but I didn’t care for the limitation in enlarging the picture for viewing and having to scroll down to see the pics rather than seeing a page of thumbnails. It may have changed since then...

What photo storage sites do you use and why?

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Christine--I use Picasa for my web photos. No reason--just that is what my BIL picked when he set up my website. I personally don\'t like webshots because it takes way too long to load up on dial up internet--which is what we are still on. I am still new to photos on the web--so always learning--thanks for the info.


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Hi Terri,

Is Picasa a "image hosting site" like Webshots? or is it just a "storage" area of photos used on your website.

How do I access all your Picasa photos? Do you have albums in Picasa, just like Webshots or PictureTrails offers.

It\'s a bit confusing when you read about Picasa. I don\'t know of anyone that has a site that is Picasa oriented or that looks like Webshots. I would like to view a Picasa site to do some comparisons , but can\'t find one. Even on their home page, they don\'t really show a full album site.


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Sparkle--I am really not sure at all--am really green when it comes to things on the computer--I thought it was similar to webshots--but could very easily be wrong.

My BIL set it up for me--and I am not even sure what it really is--but I think that Shana said she and her DH use it too--so maybe she can answer your questions.


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I think Picasa is similar to Webshots, though there are supposed to be some differences as well, but I don\'t know what they are yet.

For websites, I think one of the methods of getting pics on a site is to either upload them onto the site itself onto its own storage area OR insert a link to an online photo site. In my case, I inserted links of my Webshots pictures which uploaded them onto my website gallery.

I am on a strictly need-to-know basis with my computer...:)

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So, I downloaded Picasa ---and Love It!

Their new Web Album option is great too! Easy to Edit the text you may want to include with your pictures. What is really neat is I no longer have to resize any pictures like I do for Picturetrails. Uploading is fast. To move pictures around within an album, just "grab" the picture and move it where you want.

The pictures in slideshow effect fill the whole screen! You have the option to upload, Xlarge, large, medium or small.

The space they allot for EACH album is 500 images.

I\'m just learning all about it, but I\'m impressed. Now, why didn\'t I know about this before? :) Thank you for mentioning it here.

I\'ve been looking for a image hosting site that would allow full view of images---I used to use Webshots (years ago), but their latest format is really filled with a lot of "chatzy" stuff all around the page. I don\'t like that I have so little control over how I can use it, even with a paid subscription. So, I left last year and I\'m at PictureTrails now---But, not for long---While I like their format much better than Webshots. Picture sizing there is always an issue with them.

When I get more acquainted with Picasa, and have it all set up the way I want, I will attach it with my signature.


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