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Turning a quilt


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Here's my question. In the few times that I have turned a quilt to do the borders in one fell swoop, I find that things end up seriously crooked. What am I doing wrong? Should I trim the excess batting and backing with a ruler measuring from the edge of the quilt top?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.


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Hi Beth,

If you know you are going to do turn ahead of time make sure all backing edges are square. Pin baste the side borders really really well as you work down the quilt; like staggered every 2 inches and on the edge. Then when you turn your quilt your backing will not be out of shape or too big nor will your side borders. When I take the quilt off to turn I trim the excess batting down to about 2 inches. The backing should be fine unless you have more than 3 or 4 inches. Again, you will know that before you pin your quilt on the first time. For me pin basting is the key.

Happy Quilting


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