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Edgerider Wheels

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I got the wheels on ok but when the machine is pushed way back (towards the panto side) it will hardly move across the table. When it's in the middle of the carriage or all the way forward toward the free hand side of the table, it glides perfectly. What is my problem? I can hardly move the wheels by hand when it's all the way back but it's fine when it's forward. I have leveled and all seems good. Anybody got any ideas? Thanks

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I don\'t know if this will be true for you but when we put on my edgerider wheels we did not put enough washers on so they were not turning. We had to put more washers on.

Not having enough washers only became aparent in a situation like yours and my sr would not engage all the time.

good luck


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Melora, I used all of the washers and added some more. I have tried all day to get the thing to work well and it\'s nearly midnight and I\'m no farther ahead than I was 16 hours ago. The machine wheels are just fine but I can\'t get a gap under the top part of the wheel between the wheel and the rail on the carriage part. I know that is my problem but I can\'t figure out how to fix it. I called Barna, the guy who did the design of the things and he doesn\'t know anytthing about installation on a Millie. I get so frustrated when I can\'t figure things out!!! By the way, thanks for responding to my plight!!

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I have another thought. Before I had my edgerider wheels nothing interefered with the wheels movement. Now I have a problem with a cord that gets in the way when i get to the back. I have solved this problen . I call it duck ( Iknow it\'s duct, but I am from Oregon) tape. Back to the washers, we used theirs and more and it really made the difference in glide. I can say I am really glad we worked out the glitches I like the wheels

Hang in there


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Melora, where did you put the extra washers? After sleeping a few hours I started over in the morning and re-read instructions etc. A little better, but not much. I don\'t think the wheels are acting as tho they should. JoAnn, I told Barna that I would email him pix. Haven\'t gotten to it yet. I have one more project to finish and then I\'m done until January. Hip Hip Hooray!! I\'ll take time to email him then.

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