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Road to California

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Hey guys,

My hubby and I drove up to Ontario for the Road to California Sat. I finally had a chance to test drive "Lenni" and I am in love! I also got to meet so many of the names and faces I see here everyday. What a treat! I met JoAnn Hoffman from SD and her friend Jan (who just got a Lenni), Cheryl Uribe, Rachel Birch, Cheryl Baber and I was sooo excited to meet Judy Laquidara in person and get her autograph in her "Nine-Patch Extravaganza". I have been following her advice for years and was pleased to find she is just as sweet and helpful in person. She answered alot of my husbands questions and he was really impressed. Also, while shopping I asked a gentleman behind the counter if he would hand me "Meandering Magic" so I could get a closer look. He said, "the lady who wrote it is standing right beside you". Ahhh, I got an autograph form Suzanne Earley too!

What fun! But the best thing was finally being able to show my hubby why I so deperately long for a new machine! Now he understands! I will be putting my machine up for sale!

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Congratulations, Jeanne, on your trip to Road with DH and the chance to try out Lenni and now you are getting a new machine too! And you got to meet and match some faces with some of those names...

Aren\'t quilters the best folks? They all seem so nice and kind... and humble... and so talented... and always so willing to share and promote the greater good of this quilty stuff. They are honest-to-goodness genuine "real" people. Lucky us! :)

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I\'m glad you enjoyed the show. It was great meeting you and good luck selling your machine so you can order your Lenni!.


PS Not only were Joann and Linda there but we also had Marilyn Badger and Claudia Clark Meyers visiting the booth. It was an APQS star studded booth.

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