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I'll be needing some help

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I have a friend who will be sending me her almost done quilt...its a Marti Mitchell, Ramblin\' Rose.

I\'m sorry I haven\'t seen it except from a picture I lifted from a website.

My question is has anyone seen this quilt done or have they seen how Marti did her\'s as my friend has indicated that she would like it just as the original was. But I haven\'t any idea how that was done. I know I won\'t be able to do it as a carbon copy, but would like to get it similar. With like moffits and designs. Thanks in advance for your help.


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Hi Bonnie,

Michelle W (Heart & Soul Designs) over on MQ Resource has this very setting and has several close-ups of her quilting that may inspire you.


I don\'t know if you are a member, I think it costs about $24 a year and there are several new features and forums.

Hope this helps.

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Not anymore I\'m not....I didn\'t utilize it enough to justify the dollars so have dropped my membership. Thanks though.

However...DUH.... I didn\'t think until you said this to go see what I could find on Webshots and there are tons there....Thanks again.

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