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Baptist Fan borders


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Hi Everyone, I know that some of you must have done Baptist fans in borders and I need to pick your brains! When you are doing the fans in just a border do you have to start at the bottom of the quilt and work upwards? Do the fans all need to go in the same direction or can you have each border going it\'s own way? I know the all over BF goes in just one direction and from bottom to top.

I recently took a couple of classes with Sherry Rogers-Harrison and totally forgot to ask this. She demo\'d the use of circle templates to do the BF\'s as well and her BF ruler.

As of the wee hours of this morning I think that I need to SID the borders, quilt the center of this curved log cabin quilt and then do the BF\'s rolling the quilt backwards as I progress. Am I thinking right?

TIA! :)

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Hi Kim, When doing a fan in the border. You could start in the middle with a half a concentric circle and work out to each end close enough to the corner to see how it is going to end and the perhaps you may need to do a 3/4 circle in the corner to have the end of your BF tie in. Does this make sense to you?


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Thank you Myrna, yes it makes sense and I hadn\'t thought of that so I will start in the center, work out to both sides so that the design is balanced. Now do I start at the bottom of the borders and work out then up the sides???

This is a good customer who likes to research her designs before talking to me and it has to be well done!

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