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Denver International Quilt Festival III


May 1 through 4

Stop by and visit us at the APQS booth,

JoAnn, Bonnie, Natalie, Jean and Karen

Denver Merchandise Mart

451 East 58th Avenue, Denver, CO 80216

DNQF features a Merchants Mall of over 80 exhibitors offering quilts, textiles, quilting supplies, books, machines, sewing related craft items, kits, clothing and much more. The quilt show consists of competition entries and the special exhibitions. The Merchants Mall and Quilt Show will be open:

Thursday, May 1 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Friday, May 2 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Saturday, May 3 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Sunday, May 4 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Enjoy a unique collection of quilt and textile art from across the country, a juried and judged competition, fascinating workshops and lectures, plus the Merchants Mall offering everything the quilter, textile artist and home sewer need to fill up their stash shelves, finish that quilt and start the next masterpiece.

Workshops and lectures, full of fun and innovative techniques for beginners as well as for the more advanced textile artist will be offered during the Denver National Quilt Festival. Those interested in learning new skills, developing skills already acquired or just wanting to have some quilting fun can benefit from classes taught by an outstanding nationally known faculty.


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I\'ll be dropping by on Thursday to say "hi". I\'m going to have an art quilt there as part of the exhibit for our new guild, RMCQ (Rocky Mtn. Creative Quilters). This is the first one for me, and I\'m thrilled down to my toes. After reading about Sherry\'s experience winning with Tribal Fusion, I can only imagine that sort of out-of-body feeling. I have to admit I quilted this on my Bernina, as I didn\'t yet have the confidence to do it on my Millie. But with more PPP, I\'m going to tackle another one soon. If you\'re there, look for my butterfly!



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Oh Julie! You MUST tell me about this quilt. It\'s gorgeous! How did you do it? The butterfly looks exquisit. Is it painted? I need details! Wow! ;)

ps: Oh I wish I could come to Denver show, too.

I am too far away from everything! Plus I work full time.

Not enough time and too many quilty things to do...

Have fun!

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That\'s one purty quilt..the butterfly is so real looking...


You get to a whole lot more things than I do and I\'m thinking I\'m closer to these shows...but then I work 7 days a week...about 80 hrs a wk..but I\'m planning on the New Hampshire show for next year.. so would someone give me the skinny on that one?


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Hey Julie! I still haven\'t finished my dragonfly from Patt\'s class...That butterfly is gorgeous. You all have to see it in person!

I don\'t have a booth this year, but I will be prowling around all day Saturday, and will be helping take down the RMCQ quilts Sunday. I\'ll be by to see everyone.

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Thanks for your kind comments - - it all started with a great photo I took a couple of summers ago in my garden. That swallowtail butterfly had been hanging around for a couple of days, but every time I\'d get the camera she\'d fly away. One afternoon I took the camera out and just sat in the garden, waiting for the right moment. I actually got about 5 really nice shots, and this was the simpler one to try for this technique.

I took a Patt Blair workshop, and she made it so simple. First, I printed the photo in 8.5 x 11 size on my printer, then used a sheet of transparent plastic to trace the outline of the subjects with a Sharpie marker. Made a black and white copy of the tracing, then to my local Kinko\'s to blow the tracing up to whatever size you want to paint. After taping a piece of PFD fabric over the blown-up pattern, you paint using Tsukineko inks. I felt like I was back in grade school, just coloring away. You can blend the inks like watercolors, or leave them very clean and bold. And there\'s no clean-up when you\'re done - - just put the caps on the applicators, heat set what you\'ve painted, and you\'re done. I wasn\'t happy with my first attempt at the background, so I cut it away and fused the butterfly and flowers to a piece of hand-dyed fabric. Then quilted away.

I\'m a somewhat frustrated painter - - I don\'t like having to mix to try to get the right color, and now that I\'ve discovered quilting, I love playing with the colors provided by the fabrics and threads. But this is also a really fun technique, and so easy with just a few how-to tips. You could probably pick up everything you need on a DVD.


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Your quilt is lovely Julie and thank you for the information on how you artfully made it. That\'s a technique that I\'d love to try.

I had hoped JoAnn to meet you and several others on my trip to Denver to see the show, perhaps see my quilt in the Hoffman Challenge (not sure if this group is the one at the show), and visit our office in Golden.

This trip to Denver from Anthem, Arizona on the north side of Phoenix is like one of those string stories where one thing leads to another. We\'re getting the distinct impression that God doesn\'t want us to take this trip. We had trouble starting the motorcoach and wondered if it would run well on the trip. The air conditioning wasn\'t working and the water pump didn\'t sound right. While on the highway I-40 just west of Albuquerque the coach died while in the driving lane. Bill pulled over and ran the generator for 25 minutes to charge up the batteries, get the gauge to read correctly while trucks tried to move to the inside lane to minimize the impact of passing us. Scary! Got to Freightliner for repair and were stuck in the parking lot for over six hours waiting for service. The wind was howling furiously and construction dust was flying. The repair was two new batteries and they didn\'t do a diagnostic test. So we camped. By 10:30 that night the wind abated and we got out of the park and the coach stopped again at the entrance where we charged it up again and decided to drive through the night to get to Denver and beat the next day high winds of 60 mph gusts. Got nearly to Santa Fe when the coach jolted to the right like a gust of wind shifted it. A car drove up behind us flashing it\'s lights and honking. Bill turned on the rear camera to find sparks coming out from the Jeep. We pulled over and down the exit ramp to find the right front tire missing. The Jeep had been riding down the highway on the rim. Bill went to change the tire and found the radial steel from the missing tire wrapped around the axel and the end of the axel going in the wrong direction. 1.5 hours later the tow truck rescued us. We drove to Wal-Mart for the night and then went to the Jeep dealership in the morning to arrange for them to fix the Jeep which still wasn\'t there yet, but Bill had pictures to show. Then we left the car there and took off for Denver. On the way to I-25 the coach died again and we barely removed the tail end from the narrow street and ran the generator again. Then we called Kevin in Golden, CO to find that there was a heavy snow storm of 6-8 inches and visibility was very bad. Couldn\'t even see across the street. So we drove back to Albuquerque to get Freightliner to look at the coach again. Fierce winds clouded the skies with heavy dust. Rudy, our 18 pound cat hid on us and we searched the coach and couldn\'t find him. I got out his food dish and opened the silverware drawer to get out a knife and there was Rudy stuck in the drawer. He had gotten into the cabinet under the sink and crawled into the drawer to hide. Got a shuttle to the Quality Inn where we took our pets for the evening. Had to chase Rudy back and forth in the hallway as he wasn\'t about to go along with the new plan. So I guess I won\'t be going to the Denver Quilt Show. So sad. Also Rick at work made me a carrot cake, his specialty, and used soy cream cheese in the frosting, just for me (lactose problem). So sweet of him. Haven\'t been to the museum in Golden yet so hope to see it in September when we try this trip again.

If you read all this message, then you are as exhausted as I am. Hope the Denver show is really fabulous despite the snow storm and cold temperatures. There are a lot of great quilters in Colorado and I\'m hoping to get there some day since it doesn\'t look like I have any wheels to make it in time.


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Sorry you couldn\'t make it Vickie.

There is no snow here, it\'s just a little breezy.

There are many beautiful quilts in the show.

I bought a new dsm yesterday from Brother, it is so cool.

It has a pivot buttom, when you are doing applique the foot lifts up a hair when you stop so you can pivot your fabric around with the needle down.

You don\'t have to use your knee lift or your hands. It has a longer neck and big table with two kinds of thread stands.

It\'s a QC-1000

Luv it.

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Vicki, thank goodness you\'re all safe and sound - - what a frightening trip! I drove to Denver yesterday through driving rain and snow. The weather was fine once I arrived, but ran into the same stuff going home. And today the wind is unbelievably fierce, so maybe this trip just wasn\'t meant to be.

Now we\'ve got to pray for everyone in the path of today\'s tornadoes.


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