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I feel I should put a disclaimer on this before I post.

As everyone who was there will testify, the announcers at the awards ceremony got into a right muddle and we (the audience) were rather left wondering who got which place.

Anyway I stand corrected if any of these are wrong, but I\'m pretty sure.

I\'m afraid I missed the Just For Me - Miscellaneous or perhaps ther wasn\'t a winner as there was only one entry.

I don\'t have a complete list of teachers awards or honourable mentions.

Just For Me - Wall Quilt - Mary Beth Kreplin

Just For Me - Bed Quilt - Sandra Scott

Just For Me - Best of Show - Heather Kimpell

Judges Choice - Trayce Quinlon (TrayceQ)

Fabric Challenge - Terri Doyle

Thread Challenge - Kathleen Leary

Miscellaneous - Martha Heimbaugh

Overall Design - Linda Thielfoldt

Wearable Runway - Linda Thielfoldt

Wearable Everyday - Linda Theilfoldt

Wearable Best of Show - Gayle Wallace

Wholecloth Traditional - Terri Doyle

Miniature - Bill Fullerton

Wholecloth Innovative - Sherry Rogers

Tools of the Trade - Marilyn Badger

Computer Guided - Cristyn Merry

Bread & Butter - Kristi Hawkins

Wall - Terri Doyle

Art/Pictorial - Janet Fogg

Machine Embroidery - Judy Woodworth

Innovative Custom - Marilyn Badger

Traditional Custom - Ronda Beyer

Theme - Claudia Pfeil

Rookie of the Year - Kristen Vierra

Solitaire - Gina Perkes

Best of Show - Renae Haddadin

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Thank you for listing these.

I am home again. It\'s good to be home. This past week at MQS was so crazy busy. I was up at 6:00 AM each morning and didn\'t stop until 10:00 PM at night; each night. I was going non stop. Through the week, when I had a brief break, I tried very hard to reply to posts using my iPhone, but it\'s difficult pressing the tiny keys to type out a message on my iPhone, so most of my messages were very brief (and probably had lots of typos). But, regardless of that, I want to say that every quilt up there on this list is breathtaking and beautiful. Sherry Rogers Harrison\'s Innovative wholecloth, Tribal Fusion is amazing. Janet Fogg\'s log truck quilt and her Grandmother\'s flower garden quilts were so cool and UNIQUE! Terry Doyle\'s quilts...well, let\'s say that I have always admired her beautiful quilts. Ronda Beyer: she is a master among the masters. Marilyn Badger and Claudia Clark Meyers: These two women are amazing. I drooled all over the quilt that our Dawn Cavanaugh did that had the New York Beauties...oh the quilting in that is so beautiful. Dawn: you are amazing. Bill Fullerton\'s mini wholecloth is a work of art. Bill is such a cool guy, too. I got to talk with him and he\'s so easy going and down to earth you would never know he created such a tiny beautiful quilt. Wow! And of course, Claudia Pfeil\'s Parrot Island quilt is stunning Tracey\'s leather looking quilt was really cool to see up close. Oh these all are so amazing. I just can\'t list it all here ...not enough time in the day.

I was inspired by all of the quilts. My head is swimming with all sorts of ideas.

Besides the terrific teachers I got to meet and learn from, I also got to meet many here (my quilty friends) plus I also got hugs and talked with Amy, Bob, Tony, Mark, Janet, John, and...oh, there are too many folks to list. All of them are so warm and caring. We all are so lucky to have the APQS staffers supporting us.

Special thanks to my friend and ROOMIE Debbi Treusch. She was sick with a head cold but hung in there and stayed through the week. She\'s so fun and nice. Thanks, Debbi, for letting me be part of your week here; you are so generous and good. It was blast getting to know you.

I never even imagined how amazing this entire week would turn out to be. IMQA put on a class act event. I was blown away by it all. So many people behind the scenes made this happen. I have to say a special thanks to Carol Wiles and Mary Hibbs. Those women have strong backbones and big shoulders and even bigger smiles and even bigger than that, they have gigantic beautiful hearts. Thank you, Carol and Mary for all that you did. :) You are such good people. The Tiki Treasures auction was a hoot; the banquet meal was delicious; the entertainment was so fun! All I can say is wow... The entire week oozed happy vibes. It was such a good place to be.

I can\'t believe that I got to be around these award winning quilts listed above, and that I got to meet so many friends, learn from so many terrific teachers and that I got to experience such a well-planned out event. You all blew the doors and ceiling off with this one. I don\'t know how you can surpass it. It was simply the best.

If you are not a member of IMQA, I hope you become one. The leadership in this organization has many smart people who\'ve developed a long range plan and goals that will surpass what I experienced this past week, so it can only get better for us in the quilting industry. Many good things are to come in the years ahead! And, lucky me, Shana,, I get to be part of it, and all of you can too. How exciting is that??? :)

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