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Ye Olde Forrest

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Holy cow pie! I didn\'t see that... hmm too tired to go looking. ;o\\ :o

Miss hearing from both of you, Kelley and Joanne.. please both come back? ptpt to anyone who hurt one of Kelléy\'s feelings.. I\'m sorry it hurts.. get better.. do like the Navy says for all ailments.. soak it. just like a sore throat.. my brother was told, "Go Soak It." He said it worked. LOLOL.. teasing ya, hope ya know.

Broke a needle tonight.. hit a zipper tooth.. can\'t find the part that broke off.. AND, it really mangled the needle.. bent more than one way.. Know we have to give the machine :mad:a good going over.. check everything. Only 7-8"of quilt to go to be finished, of course Mr Murphy\'s Law is still holding that black cloud over my head.

We decided to just let it be overnight, both of us being tired, and I\'ll finish the QoV quilt tomorrow, and turn it in to the Guild on Wed. He can work on Penny while I make tater salad and figure out what else to have for dinner.

Glad to hear alls sorta ok up your way.. have an enjoyable weekend and make it a safe one too..


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