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Pat Sloan's On line classes!

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Hi all. I MUST share the latest and greatest classes! Virginia\'s very own PAT SLOAN has started her new, on line classes! *I Can\'t Believe I\'m Quilting* videos that we can sign up for and take at our leisure. Because the classes are on line, I can take a class when it\'s good for me. How many of us forget the time because it\'s so much fun with our APQS machines?? I\'m admit, I\'m guilty. :) There are times I just want to take a class but can\'t because of my APQS schedule. Now that I\'ve found Pat Sloan\'s *I can\'t Believe I\'m Quilting* video\'s on line, I can make a quilt when it\'s time for me. I\'m eager to tell my clients about the classes too. Go to: www.icantbelieveim.com for more information. Can you spot her GEORGE in the videos??


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I have taken several online classes and Quilt University and I just love them. So convenient and so many to choose from.


Has anyone else taken any from QU - are there any you recommend? I have taken several dying classes from Marjorie McWilliams and I think she is a great teacher.

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I have taken quite a lot of classes from QU, especially before I got my Millie & had more time. I love Marjie McWilliams & have taken every one of her classes at least once. Of course, all teachers are different, some are better than others, but I have never had a bad experience. Linda Schmidt offers some very challenging art quilt classes -- I was not able to complete the whole thing, there is so much packed into it, but I still learned a lot.

The thing that impresses me most about QU is the level of feedback you get from all teachers -- they answer their e-mails at least twice a day, all students can share photos so you learn from the other students as well. It\'s just great, and a real boon to those of us who live in places where we don\'t have much access to professional instruction.

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I have taken several class through QU. They have all been good. The nice thing is being able to print out the lessons and do them at your own pace. Plus, later you can reread or redo the lesson. I have recommended it to many people.

Barbara in MI;)

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