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Patty Jo,

I wouldn\'t go the route of smoking marijauna, yes it is suppose to curb the side effects of the chemo such as nausea however with pancreatic cancer studies show that a large percentage of the victims were at one time or another a smoker so smoking anything at this point may accelerate the cancer growing faster. No statistics to back this up, just something that my gut is telling me.

The Ensure drinks is what my father in law drank, it did work to stop the fast decline of weight loss. Also make sure he is getting plenty of water so he is not dehydrating...and if he is unable to keep even water down try giving him popsicles this will help.

Also start applying lotion to his skin, arms legs etc...several times a day because his skin will start to dry out as he dehydrates. As he becomes weaker from the weight loss which is mostly muscle loss he will need to be careful so he doesn\'t fall, perhaps renting a walker and even having hand rails installed in parts of the house might be a good idea as time goes on.

At some point you will want someone to be with Bill at all times, whether it be you, one of your kids, or even a friend. You don\'t have to become a hermit, lean on those around you to help out so you get out to do the things you need to do such as grocery shopping, hair appointments ect...

Planning to go to innovations in the fall is good. It will give you something to focus on and look forward to. My MIL had planned a trip (a carribean cruise) with her college classmates before all of the stuff happened with my FIL. She continued to plan it and looked forward to it while my FIL was fighting his battle. She is due to leave mid October. It will be good for her to be around her closest friends.

I will continue to pray for both you and Bill...I hope your Anniv. dinner you planned with friends was a wonderful time for both of you.

God Bless

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Joann - actually, we ended up not being able to go out to dinner. DH was just too tired and not feeling well. He had his heart set on some Salmon from the NW for his dinner. His treatments are for 3 weeks and then a week off, so we are going to try and go out just before he starts back on week 1, second series and set a time to go out to dinner with our friends. And so far, the nausea has been very light and when it does come, he takes an anti-nausea pill and that seems to take care of it. Thank you all for your concerns and suggestions. I did mention the medical marijuana to him, and I don\'t think that he is interested in that at all. I used to be a heavy smoker and he would have a "social" cigarette once in awhile. But since I quit back in 1982, neither of us want to be around smoke very much. It kicks up my asthma and I sure don\'t need that right now. We are hanging in there.

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