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Stitch Regulator problem

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Connie and I think I need a new Mother and/or Daughter board - I was hopping they may be there 1/2 day today. Last weekend I could not get my stitches to regulate - they stayed between 6-8 per inch - I usually work at 11-12. Even when the indicator showed 15 - still 6-8. They were consistent but big. On Monday when I spoke with Connie - it was fine. I have not quilted too much this week -I teach and this was a full week. Last nite after about 4 hours of quilting the stitches dropped to about 8 and I could not get them to budge. Same thing this morning.

A forced vacation from quilting:(

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Well heckers Jerri!

I am afraid I have no magic fix for you if it is indeed the circut boards. I just did some perusing around the site though and found a few things for you to check.

This one is from Mark:

It may be a bad connection that plugs your meter in. If you are talking about the front meter, you will need to remove 4 screws, 2 on each side, that hold that front meter cover on. Once removed you will be able to see a plug-in that goes to you meter. I would unplug it and plug it back in and then fire your machine up and see if is working. If not, call in and we will get you a new cover if needed that you can switch out.

This one is from Connie:

You may have a bad encoder box (black box) While you have it in S.R, Wiggle the plug where they go together and see if it cuts out or if it makes it better. The other thing to try (if it's the front and back giving you trouble) you can unplug the long grey wire coming out of the lower right hand side and plugging into the carraige box, plug that one into the one on the machine (head axle) and see if it works, then we will know if it is the box or not that is bad!!

I hope this helps Jerri if not call Connie the first thing Monday morn and enjoy a little piecing while you are down.

Ley us know what the culprit and the fix was though when all is said and done.

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The meter reads 11 stitches - even when the stitches are about 6. I can drop the meter reading lower and the stitches do get slightly bigger Do you think it would be a bad encoder box that drops off after about 3-4 hours of quilting? When I first start - yesterday evening and this morning my stitches are beautiful- consistent at about 11 per inch. I turned the machine off and waited about an hour this afternoon but it still won't regulate. I'm hoping that given a nights rest I can finish the quilt that is on the frame tomorrow.

Connie and I discussed my options last week and if she mails early on Monday hopefully, I can get it Tuesday. My heart starts pounding:cool: when I see all of those quilts hanging in my studio screaming" me next - I'm a Christmas gift!!"

In my former life I used to work well under pressure - here's' hoping that I don't have to try and remember how ;)

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Update: I spoke with Connie early this AM and she is sending computer boards in the mail today, I should receive them by Wednesday. I am using my "free time" to get ready for the holidays - cleaning :( All the stuff that I tell my DH that I don't have time for during my busy time;)

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